Frugal Fun

...........yes, Frugal Fun is possible!
Afterall the best things in life are often free. - a smile,
- hugs and kisses from your children and
- good company
to name but a few. You can find your dose of frugal fun in many ways. With a bit of creativity you and your young family can incorporate cheap family fun into your "things to do" list.
Here's how:
Cheap Family Fun
Make some
homemade pizza
chicken & corn potato bakes
and enjoy it as a family while playing a round or two of boardgames like Monopoly,Pictionary or Cludo or building a puzzle together. If there are too many sticking fingers, then try your luck with the guessing game "I spy with my little eye something that begins with the letter ....".
Go camping with the family! This can be a very affordable weekend away - kids love sleeping in tents and being outdoors and the fresh air will also do you the world of good. If you really can't afford it, then why not camp in your own backyard! The kids will absolutely love you for it!
Get to know all the fun, free spots in your area or those with a low entrance fee. Places like a botanical or public garden or the beach (don't forget to take a bucket and spade for the little ones and a frisbee for dad!) - pack a picnic lunch and enjoy the day together. You can even have a picnic in your garden or in your lounge - my son loves it! We invite all his teddybear "friends", make sandwiches, popcorn, juice and whatever else we can find in the cupboard and then we eat it on a blanket on our lounge floor.

Add Hoolahooping to your Frugal Fun list. Hoolahoops are very affordable and great fun for big and small. We have loads of fun with it at home.
We often do this and have a barbeque at home or at friends' homes. Everyone bring their own meat, drinks and something to share at the barbeque like a salad,
vegetable dish
or a
Most of us are feeling the financial pinch and this way you and your friends can still get together and have a great time! Other frugal fun ideas are to invite your friends to a
or a popcorn and DVD night.
Invite your girlfriends over and ask each one to bring a plate of food and drinks and enjoy catching up without husbands and kiddies around.
"Pull yourself toward yourself" and spend a little quality time by yourself.
Read a book or give yourself a
French Manicure
or even a facial (using a
homemade facescrub and homemade facemask
). You'll feel like a brand new penny!
Or if you don't feel like making too much of an effort, then just unwind in a deliciously hot bath (not suitable if you're pregnant or have high blood pressure). Add a few drops of lavender oil, lie back and relax. You can even light some candles to create an even more relaxing atmosphere. Make sure the kids are otherwise occupied or better bed!
So this is how we as a family have a bit of fun and most of the time it doesn't cost much.
I hope you found something you and your family will enjoy on this page or that I at least have inspired you to let your hair down once in a while.
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