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Live 4 Today, Issue #009 -- Appreciate each other, Take Out at Home, Chicken Burgers July 04, 2012 |
Live 4 TodayJuly 2012 Issue #009
Nor does having children make a Father...
We celebrated Father's Day in June and our boys made this lovely handprint card for their dad.
To all the fathers out there......
Happy belated Father's Day!
My two boys are really lucky to have such a fabulous daddy and I too am so very blessed - this made me think about appreciating our Spouses.
Battling to make a living, battling to make ends meet, battling to cope with your busy schedules. Living past one another....?
Here's my challenge to you: Look with fresh eyes at the man or woman you married and notice the little things:
There are plenty more examples I can think of.... ....and this is just from my life. I'm sure you will have many of your very own!;-) Let's love and appreciate each other!
TAKE OUT AT HOMEMake Friday night, movie and Take Away night. Do it the Frugal way by hiring a DVD and making the Take Aways yourself!
Making your favourite take out at home is not only cheaper but also healthier (you know and control the ingredients).
My personal favourites are Fish and Chips and Stir-fry (Chinese) TIP OF THE MONTHStore all your plastic shopping bags in an empty tissue box - just fold it up, fill the tissue box and use as needed. I leave mine in the boot of my car.
To Serve: OR
Serves 4
"Nevertheless let every one of you in particular so love his wife even as himself; and the wife see that she reverence her husband." Ephesians 5 verse 33
Appreciated & Blessed 4 Today Happy Frugal Living everyone! Ray xx
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